Government General Degree College, Keshiary

Government of West Bengal, Affiliated to the Vidyasagar University

Telipukur, Tilaboni Mahishamura, Keshiary, Paschim Medinipur, PIN : 721135.

NAAC accredited B+ (2.61) college

Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) activities

The following activities were conducted under the guidance of the IQAC, Government General Degree College, Keshiary

Total No. of Webinar, Seminar, workshops and programmes

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
8 10 6 12 16 ?

List of Seminar, Cultural Programmes /Special Day celebrations and other activities of College in 2018-19

Sl. No. Name of the Programme Organised by Date Time Platform/Venue
1 Swach Bharat Programme NSS in collaboration with IQAC 1.06.2018 7 hr College premises
2 Tree Plantation Programme NSS in collaboration with IQAC 05.06.2018 6 hr College premises
3 Celebration of Kannyasree day Women Cell in collaboration with IQAC 14.08.2018 6 hr College premises
4 Celebration of Teachers’ Day Cultural Committee in collaboration with IQAC 05.09.2018 7 hr College premises
5 AIDS Awareness Programme NSS in collaboration with IQAC 01.12.2018 6 hr College premises
6 One Day Seminar on IPR Seminar and Symposium Committee in collaboration with IQAC 06.12.2018 2 hr College premises
7 Celebration of Bhasha Dibas Cultural Committee in collaboration with IQAC 21.02.2019 7 hr College premises
8 A Seminar on Women and Feminism Seminar and Symposium Committee in collaboration with IQAC 02.04.2019 10.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m College premises

List of Seminar, Cultural Programmes /Special Day celebrations and other activities of College in 2019-20

Sl. No. Name of the Programme Organised by Date Time Platform/Venue
1 Water Conservation Awareness Programme NSS in collaboration with IQAC 13.08.2019 2hr College premises
2 Kanyashree Day Celebration Women Cell in collaboration with IQAC 14.08.2019 3 hr College premises
3 Celebration of Teachers’ Day Cultural Committee in collaboration with IQAC 05.09.2019 7hr College premises
4 Commemorating Bicentenary of Iswarchandra Vidyasagar Cultural Committee in collaboration with IQAC 17.09.2019 10.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m College premises
5 A seminar on Post – Humanism Seminar and Symposium Committee in collaboration with IQAC 23.09.2019 10.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. College premises
6 Celebration of Birthday Of Vidyasagar Cultural Committee in collaboration with IQAC 26.09.2019 3hr College premises
7 Workshop on Research Methodology Department of History in collaboration with IQAC 28.11.2019 6 hr.(10.30a.m. -4.30 p.m.) College premises
8 Santali Bhasa Dibas Department of Santali in collaboration with IQAC and Cultural and Students’ Magazine Committee 19.12.20219 6hr. (10.30a.m. -4.30 p.m.) College premises
9 Inauguration of College Wall Magazine Cultural and Students’ Magazine Committee in collaboration with IQAC 28.1.2020 2 hr. (10.30a.m. -12.30 p.m.) College premises
10 A lecture on Food Adulteration and Consumer Rights Seminar Symposium Committee in collaboration with IQAC 04.03.2020 1 hr. (3.30 pm-4.30 pm) College premises

List of Seminar, Cultural Programmes /Special Day celebrations and other activities of College in 2020-21

Sl. No. Name of the Programme Organised by Date Time Platform/Venue
1 COVID-19 awareness Essay and Poster Competition NSS in collaboration with IQAC 12.7.2020-24.7.2020 6hr Google Meet
2 One Day State Level Webinar on Cinema Seminar symposium Committee in collaboration with IQAC 23.07.2020
10.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m.
3hr. Google Meet Meet
3 Two Days International Webinar on Chemistry: A Motivation in Research Department of Chemistry in collaboration with IT Committee and IQAC 26.8.2020 & 27.8.2020
9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m each day
6hr. Google Meet
4 Celebration of Teachers’ Day Cultural Committee in collaboration with IQAC 05.09.2020
6 p.m. to 7.30 p.m
1.5 hr Google Meet
5 Seminar of NSS Unit on Protection & Preservation of Environment NSS in collaboration with IQAC 20.06.2021
11 a.m. to 1p.m
2 hr. Google Meet
6 Virtual Celebration in remembrance of International Yoga Day 2021 by NSS Unit NSS in collaboration with IQAC 29.06.2021
4 p.m. to 6 p.m
2.5 hr. Google Meet

List of Seminar, Cultural Programmes /Special Day celebrations and other activities of College in 2021-22

Sl. No. Name of the Programme Organised by Date Time Platform/Venue
1 Two days State Level Webinar on “Caste, Class, Race, Gender, Society and State in Discourse Department of History, Political Science, Anthropology, English, Bengali, in collaboration with IQAC and IT Network Committee 7.7.2021 & 8.7.2021
10.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. each day
8hr. Google Meet
2 Covid Vaccination Camp IQAC in collaboration with Keshiary Block Hospital 1.10.2021 & 27.12.2021 12 hr. College premises
3 Student Credit Card Awareness Camp IQAC 20.12.2021 & 27.12.2021 4 hr. College premises
4 Students’ week observation Cultural Committee in collaboration with IQAC 1.1.2022-7.01.2022 14 hr Google Meet
5 MatribhasaDibas Cultural Committee in collaboration with IQAC 21.02.2022 3 hr. College premises
6 Popular talk on Women Empowerment along with Extempo competition of students on gender awareness Women Cell in collaboration with IQAC 8.03.2022 3 hr. College premises
7 A hands on training induction programme IQAC 5.04.2022 3 hr. College premises
8 Earth Day NSS in collaboration with IQACI 22.4.2022 3 hr. College premises
9 World IP day Celebration Artificial Intelligence and IPR Seminar Symposium Committee in collaboration with IQAC 26.4.2022 1hr.(2.30 pm-3.30 pm) College premises
10 Tobacco free Campus by NSS NSS in collaboration with IQAC 27.04.2022 3 hr. College premises
11 Observation of World No Tobacco Day NSS in collaboration with IQAC 31.05.2022 3 hr. College premises
12 Awareness seminar and poster presentation on World No Tobacco Day NSS in collaboration with IQAC 1.06.2022 3 hr. College premises

List of Seminar, Cultural Programmes /Special Day celebrations and other activities of College in 2022-23

Sl. No. Name of the Programme Organised by Date Time Platform/Venue
1 A hands on training induction programme IQAC 04.08.2022 3 hr. College premises
2 Celebration of Teachers’ Day Cultural Committee in collaboration with IQAC 05.09.2022
3 hr. College premises
3 Student Credit Card Awareness Camp Student Credit Card Cell in collaboration with IQAC 22.09.2022 3 hr. College premises
4 Student Credit Card Awareness Camp-Duare Sarkar Student Credit Card Cell in collaboration with IQAC 2.11.1022, 9.11.2022 & 14.11.2022 6 hr (2 hr. each day) College premises
5 Popular Lecture on Dengue: A contemporary Health Issue and Banglar Prachin Janapadasamuha Seminar symposium Committee in collaboration with IQAC 29.11.2022 2 hr. College premises
6 Santali Bhasa Dibas (Santali Language Day) Celebration Department of Santali in collaboration with IQAC 22.12.2022 2 hr. College premises
7 Students’ week observation Cultural Committee in collaboration with IQAC 2.1.2023-7.1.2023 12 hr. (2 hr. each day) College premises
8 Mock fire drill NSS in collaboration with IQAC 15.02.2023 1 hr. College premises
9 International Mother Language Day celebration Cultural Committee in collaboration with IQAC 21.02.2023 4 hr. College premises
10 Cleanliness Drive Programme NSS in collaboration with IQAC 24.03.2023 2 hr College premises
11 Career Counselling by IAF Career Counselling Committee in collaboration with IQAC 27.03.2023 4 hr College premises
12 One Day Seminar on IPR Intalectual property and Jibanananda Das Seminar Symposium Committee in collaboration with IQAC 28.03.2023 1hr.(2.30 pm-3.30 pm) College premises
13 Blood Donation Camp NSS in collaboration with IQAC and Keshiary Block Hospital 29.03.2023 6 hr. College premises
14 World Environment Day Celebration NSS in collaboration with IQAC 05.06.2023 2 hr College premises
15 Yoga Day Celebration NSS in collaboration with IQAC 21.06.2023 2 hr College premises